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My Strangely Answered Prayer

Hello sunshines! I totally whipped this blog up in like 30 minutes which is never done, but it's story telling time so grab some peanut butter m&m's and a diet coke and enjoy the show. (ok that was a bit dramatic, but it explains me)

Have you ever prayed for a very specific thing? Maybe a grade in class, or a certain outcome to a scenario? I have been there and prayed for all kind of different things. Healthy relationships, test scores, specific answers from my parents, you name it, I'm sure we have all prayed for it.

We've all heard that saying God answers prayers in mysterious ways, but I can say I have witnessed that. I began praying for all of my relationships consistently my freshman year of college. I prayed for my relationships with my parents to stay strong even though I was moving and wouldn't see them every day. I prayed for relationships with my friends for us to stay close and always trust one another and I would realize who my true friends were and they would do the same. I prayed for my relationship with my boyfriend at the time, that if God wanted us together He would make that clear and we would always be happy together. Well, little by little I saw my prayers coming to life. (SO COOL)

I lived in a small 3 bedroom apartment with two of my best friends plus two more girls my freshman year. (yes it was crazy and yes it was worth it. lol) I learned so much that year from adjusting to living with roommate to how I am pretty annoying to most people. Most importantly, I learned to never have 5 girls in one house that's for sure.

One of my other besties was just two doors down from me. A lot happened to her that semester too and she found her true friends just like I prayed.(it was ugly but we're glad it happened) I also lost a friend that semester. I haven't really figured out God's plan with that one yet so it's a working process.

I stayed close to my parents and still am close to them. Madea aka my momma and I argue like every weekend I'm home, but that's only because she really cares. I grew to greatly appreciate my parents. I saw how much they did for me once I was having to do it myself. I saw that they truly do want the best for me and that's why life is hard with them sometimes. My gratefulness for them grows everyday!

On the side of all those relationships growing and ending, I had another relationship that was just going steady like it had been for years. My relationship with my boyfriend.

I didn't really stress about our relationship too much because I assumed it would always be there. Boy, was I wrong. I began to see this relationship changing, but also, I was changing. I was becoming more of a "young adult" (i hate this word because it makes me feel old & i will always be a kid at heart). As i was growing, I realized my relationship was drifting away. I prayed for answers and for the boy to change. I wanted him to change into what I wanted him to be. I wanted husband-like qualities. I wanted him to grow up too. I was forcing a path for him that wasn't God's path. I was trying to control everything instead of allowing God to answer my prayers. Finally, after the break up I saw that God did answer my prayers.

The good relationships are still in my life and oh so strong now.

Awesome relationships have been added over just three years. I have a boy with the qualities that I was praying for. God is so good and always faithful, but in His timing, not ours.

Now, the process and the days were long and pretty hard. But letting God take control was the best answered prayer I had been waiting for. It was worth every hardship and breakdown I had.

I hope this is an encouragement for all the people waiting for that prayer to be answered. Romans 12:12, "Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer." So, easier said than done, but calm down hunny, God's got this, you don't have to!


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