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Single or Dating

Hello again, my loves. Glad to be back.

I intended to post this blog last Tuesday before Valentine's Day, but my school work has to come first I suppose.

God placed this topic on my heart and guided me on so much to say. So here's a post to relationships.

The bible doesn't speak much on dating, but it does talk about all things related to relationships.

To start, Jesus calls us to be single or married. The ground in between is what we (including myself) struggle with understanding. A lot of people seem to think being single is a bad thing or frowned upon, but it isn't at all. Being single may seem like a struggle and you may find yourself feeling lonely. Each role, single, married, or dating, has its own set of struggles. By being single, we have the opportunity to find ourselves in the Lord. We must allow our hearts to focus on Jesus and confide in Him rather than searching for happiness and satisfaction in a relationship. Mathew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." When God is ready for you to have a relationship with someone, He will send that person to you. We cannot search for a boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband in unholy settings. To find a true love, the kind God intends we must be patient and faithful to Him, Proverbs 3:5. (Go read it!!!)

So, if you're dating what do you do? We still focus our hearts on Jesus, of course! Where do we think a successful marriage comes from? Sometimes young people dating tend to spend a lot of time planning dates or finding ways to surprise our boyfriend/girlfriend. Nothing is wrong with these things, I personally think they are a huge aspect of dating, but before we try to please our bf/gf we should try to please the Lord. The bible doesn't directly say "how" to date, but it does talk plenty about being Christ-like. If we want an awesome, head over heels love, then we must love Jesus first.

Adding the opposite sex into our lives can add more temptation and distractions if we are not careful. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 talks about having an accountability partner. We should use this command in our relationships to fulfill what God intended. If this isn't a reason we are dating, then what is our purpose? If a couple cannot glorify God better together, then we are not practicing what God wants. One Tuesday night at a BSU service, the speaker pointed out an awesome fact to me. He said people all the time will say that he/she is my other half. Um NO. God created us all whole already and brings people together for the benefit of His glory. That statement really opened my eyes and helped better my current relationship.

Love is a such a beautiful thing and we need not forget the ultimate love.

We should use love for the right reasons. If we find ourselves in a relationship that is not glorifying God and we cannot further our relationship with Him, then that earthly relationship must end. If we don't end it, God will and I can testify to that.

The bible also tells us. "Flee from sexual immorality" in 1 Corinthians 6:18. Today, this seems to be the big struggle. First of all "sexual immorality" is not strictly just sex before marriage, it is any sexual relations with anyone who is not your husband or wife, and yes this includes the person you THINK you're going to marry. Just because you have intentions to marry someone, does not make it "ok." Sexual immorality is a sin contrary to what some believe. God did not intend for this. If we cannot date someone without this aspect, then we have no business dating. Ephesians 5:3 says even a hint is impure and don't forget God knows your thoughts, too.

My advice would be to first clear this ground of impurity up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Second, don't put yourself in any position to be tempted. Lastly, make rules and boundaries.

Even if you have already been impure in your relationship, it is not too late to repent and turn away from that sin. 1 John says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." The joy of serving the Lord in this part of your life is so much more than just a few "thrills."

No matter single, married, or dating, it comes with struggles and rewards. I have been on every struggle bus there is concerning being single or dating. But remember we all fall short of His glory and it is never too late to turn your life around.


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