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Does reality mean truth? 

See, we use social media outlets every day. Companies promoting their business or people selling literally anything, but what about for acceptance? Yes, being socially accepted. We all like to post or see memes, which are usually ‘making fun’ of someone, or sharing articles that layout “How to Know He’s the One.” Because those 10 signs in that article definitely call the shots. Why do we even post on Instagram? Is it because we like pictures or to keep memories, nah that’s not it. Or for our family to “stay in the loop,” wrong. We post for likes. Most of us want to be liked. I️ know I️ enjoy being liked. Now before I️ go any further, I️ do not think posting is bad or useless because I️ post all the time, obviously. I️ am just stating what I️ have observed. 

I have included two pictures. The first is actually from one I posted on my snapchat. A cozy, quiet morning drinking delicious coffee. 

The second picture is what my living room actually looks like this morning. Messy from being up late writing papers and studying. 

All of the outlets have become our reality. We see people who travel all the time, perfect outfits, and beautiful white smiles. We are all portrayed to have happy lives through a still shot, which is the total opposite of life. Before you compare your life to someone’s Facebook feed or Instagram post, take a moment to realize this is not LIFE. Their reality you are seeing may not always be true. If It was true, we would see messy kitchens, failing grades, and possibly some oily hair and leftover makeup. But people don’t post about these things. Why? Because It is not pleasing to the eye. Luckily, there is hope for each of us. Soon, all the likes and comments will fade away and we won’t have another chance to post a picture to hear about how “artsy” or “cute” we are. Our Father will be holding out His arms for us to come to Him with no care about likes. My word how hard life would be if we had to compete for Jesus’ love. So let this be your daily reminder of "reality" because Jesus is the only truth.  He is our reality. 


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